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Showing posts from October, 2017

Doors poem: A Readers thoughts By Mariah Pompa

A smattering of words is all it seems and its all consuming, Taking minutes of my day, hours really, and I don't even notice, I'm happy to lose time and travel to another universe if it means keeping up, These new people, these new places, I can't wait to see it all, This is my spyglass to view another writers world because that's what it is, A universe between two covers that I return to now and then, Some are so painfully predictable you                                                          have to                                  ...

Doors poems: Two eyes, Two Poems By Mariah Pompa

It varies in color but never in size, The world rearranges for it , But it  never changes for the world, Once its gone there's no getting it back, no matter the advancements, A world of darkness is all that we'd have without it, No worries though, Its not alone , This precious treasure comes as a pair , A matching set more valuable than jewels, Than endless gold, For what is the point of riches if you cannot watch them shine ?

Doors poem: A Thought on Dreams By Mariah Pompa

Close your eyes and kiss logic goodbye, You know how this works, Nonsense, unconscious thoughts, the whole SHEBANG! It changes almost every night, Sometimes it scares me right out of it, Cold sweat, racing heart, fighting back the tears, Other nights its blissful darkness, Ironic since I'm afraid of the dark, Yet there are times where it all seems great, pushing along the fun times, easy dreams, and story plots, Those are the best, Is what they are, Dams, My unconscious key to a place for only me, To face the fears or put them off for just a moment longer, They are mine, my place to hide, my kingdom, my place to see, my place when in sleep.