Mariah Pompa
My Mental Playlist
It starts with a tap, hitting play, then my mind is an empty
theater no more,
Music fills the edges of my consciousness, willing me to
listen to the world around me and my internal playlist,
The playlist varies in genera and volume,
Drums shake the foundations of the theater, loud voices
screaming lyrics as a guitar steels its back bone keeping the theater stable,
Soft piano soothes my aching head, repairing any damage from
the day or the playlists erratic performances,
Sometimes a song will start and I’m dragged under, lost in
the waves of nostalgia, emotions fill the theaters vacant seats, their
reactions reflect in my eyes,
Playful defiance, tragic love, and heart felt tears well at
the corners of my eyes,
I wipe them away remembering where I am, looking around no
one’s noticed,
The music starts up again and the crowd remains silent,
Aware that the world still exists around them, around me,
but the music pulls them back under, reaching the end of the song,
The theater is empty once more, waiting for another song to
play, for the silence to end,
The stage creaks and my mind continues its playlist, lost in
the simple day dreams,
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